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Kultur betrifft alle - Daher sollten alle die gleichen Chancen und Möglichkeiten in unserer Gesellschaft haben und sich mit Respekt begegnen.

Ich kandidiere für die Landratswahlen Baselland 2023 für die SP Frenkendorf-Füllinsdorf


Born in 1974, grew up in Muttenz (BL)

Married, three children

Resident in Füllinsdorf (BL)

Citizens of Meisterschwanden (AG) and Muttenz (BL)

Schulrat secondary school (Frenkdendorf-Füllinsdorf) for the SP Füllinsdorf

Music teacher at the Gymnasium Muttenz

Chairman of the choir association of both Basels

Chairman of the Paulus Cultural Association, Basel

Blogs with political content:

Does Liestal need a town hall?

Ukraine, the land of choral music

German essay from 1985

The political dilemma of the 3rd wave

Limited cantonal educational spaces

science at its limits

Singing in primary school

The House of the Cantons in Corona times

Music education in secondary schools

Musical illiteracy

Music teacher training yesterday and today

Culture in Kubuk


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